Tell them what you think!


The National Animal Identification System (NAIS) has received plenty of buzz from both supporters and critics, with speculation on both sides as to how the program will affect the equine and livestock industry.

NAIS is a voluntary identification system through the U.S. Department of Agriculture (though some states have made parts of the system mandatory) that aims to control the spread of disease and minimize the negative impact of disease outbreak. The program is split into three parts – premises registration, animal identification and animal tracing – and participation can vary. Some components of NAIS are being fully implemented, while others are still in developmental stages.

Now, the USDA is encouraging comments. Available at, visitors can research NAIS and submit feedback on the program, including a new User Guide and other documents.

Comments are also being accepted via e-mail at animalidcomment@aphis.usdagov, or you can comment by mail to: NAIS Program Staff, VS, APHIS, 4700 River Road Unit 200, Riverdale, MD, 20737.


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