1) Each user can only enter the contest once per category.

2) Photo submissions must be property of contest entrant.

3) Each user can only vote once in each contest, each day.

4) A limit of one vote per household per day is enforced.  Voting is recorded by username and IP address, any indication of the same user voting more than once a day for the same animal will result in those additional votes being disqualified.

5) horseillustrated.com administrators reserve the right to disqualify individuals for fraudulent voting activity.

6) Fraudulent accounts created for voting purposes will be deleted and removed from horseillustrated.com

7) Actual winner(s) of contests will be determined by the horseillustrated.com staff, who will manually review all votes. The contest winner will be announced through a posting online.

8) The winner(s) will be contacted by e-mail and receive his/her prize directly from the manufacturer or sponsor.

9) Any entrant who has won a prize in the Virtual Horse Show within the past 12 months will not be eligible to win again until the 12-month period has elapsed.

Please send any questions to hc-editor@bowtieinc.com


  1. I entered the glamor shot and when i hit submit it showed that my horse was a saddlebred and she is a qh so i resubmited her photo to change it can you delete the other one i dont want you to think i ment to enter two photos thanks

  2. Can I enter more than one contest like best western, glamour, best pasture ornament and funniest face? Or just one of those? Am I only allowed to enter one horse for all of them? Or can I enter one horse in one contest and another horse in another or both horses in the same contest?

  3. Hey! I love your site! Lots of useful info! Umm, I didn’t read all of your rules before I entered because I was in a hurry, and i voted for a horse multiple times today. I’m sorry. I just now read the rules.. lol. But anyway, sorry. And again I LOVE your site!

  4. I entered my horse in the glamour contest along with a few other ones, is that allowed? If it isn’t I’m sorry about doing that!

  5. dear Mary Ann,
    im not sure but I think that you shouldn’t enter someone elses horse but I think you can but very descreetly

  6. i think that this is a good idea.but i think you should let people that arent a member of horse channel.com put their horses photo in to.

  7. I love Young rider. The posters are so cute and I read the magazines over and over again. I can’t wait till the next issue

  8. Its a great contest. I took some good pics but havnet been able to put them out there to see what other people thought so this is good.
    I only wished i could have downloaded the rules before i entered. It wouldnt load properly. 🙁 Please dont disqualify stupid computer! 🙁

  9. i would enter except for tthe fact that my only horse is a model horse and so i dont need the prizes
    visit my horse wonder’s star id= 129282

  10. Hi, I was wondering how long it takes for a photo to show up online, after you submit the photo, I submitted a photo the other day and its not up. I tried again a minute ago and it still didnt show up? Does anyone know why? Thanks for any help.

  11. I entered the contest, but there was not a selection for my breed of horse. The breed that was not listed was “Morab”. I put Morab at the side of age and then clicked on Arabian as a selection for breed. I had to do this because it would not let me enter.

  12. I see I’m not the only one that has mistakenly entered twice in one category.. how do I delete one entry? I’ve not found any answers to the questions posted. Where do we get help??

  13. You should be able to change the photo, but still have the same number of votes as before. Also, what about people who entered the contest at a later date? What if they don’t get as many votes just becuase they were unaware of the VHS???

  14. I wish I would’ve checked this contest out sooner!! My horse made this hilarious face and I think it may have done well! Check it out on my profile and leave a comment if you think it wouldve done well!

  15. Hi VHS rules! I unfortunately put two times my paint horse because U only put pinto, then I found Paint horse! So I tried to eliminate her second photo but it ruined my image files!

  16. just wondering when the contest is over? like the other viewers…..please post an ending date of the contest, and when the date will be for the announcement of the winners!

  17. ya who won it has been 4 days scince the contest ended who won and when and we enter for the next contest and vote for the next contest please respond

  18. I accidently put two of my horse Lucy on the”amazing grazers page”. Can you delete one without disqualifying both???? PLEASE!

  19. I don’t think its fair that the winners are the ones with the most votes. They should be the ones that are the prettiest and best photos. NOt who can vote for their horse the most. You see, I love my horse and would LOVE to win, but I don’t get online a lot.

  20. I agree. It isn’t fair that it goes off of how many votes your picture can get. It should be judged by beauty and style. You shouldn’t be allowed to vote with your own.

  21. Are the results for this contest ever going to be posted??? I thought voting ended on 6/30 as the rules stated……so I stopped voting and had my friends stop on that date. Would sure be nice to know who won!

  22. When you say one vote per each household per day, do you mean in each catagory, Like I can vote for a horse in Amazing grazers, then vote again that day for a horse in the Show contest or in the pretty horse contest? I don’t understand what you mean. Can you clairfly this.


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