Don???t be a Slouch


Strong, upright posture is key to winning a blue ribbonHuntseat equitation riders are often admonished by their coaches to sit up straight and maintain good posture. A graceful, erect upper body also complements a horse’s performance. Being a slouch in hunters-under-saddle or English pleasure classes tends to give the judge the impression that you’re disinterested in the proceedings or that you’re a weak and ineffective rider. Neither is conducive to winning a blue ribbon. Despite how tired you are, how much your feet ache inside your boots or how easy your horse is to ride in a flat class, sit up straight and continue to exhibit solid horsemanship basics. That will add to an overall pleasing appearance and can’t help but influence the judge.


  1. Good article. It’s bad for both horse and rider. The horse will be off balance and the rider will be in a bad position should the horse spook or act up. Maintaining good posture when not riding will help a rider not to slouch when riding. How uncomfortable to ride in a slouched position.


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