The Year in Horses: 1981



    • A new American breed of horse was created this year by fans of Arabian
      show horses. The National Show Horse was a fusion of the Arabian and the American Saddlebred, designed
      to excel in the saddle seat show ring. The cross was already popular in
      half-Arabian classes on the Arabian show circuit, but breeder Gene
      LaCroix made it official by establishing a registry for the new breed. As of
      2009, the National Show Horse Registry (NSHR) rule changed to allow any horse with anywhere between 50-99%
      Arabian blood from a NSHR nominated sire to be registered. The Saddlebred
      breeding is no longer required, but the breed standard still calls for a
      saddle-type horse with an upright neck carriage and lots of animation.
    1981 store
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    In the Pages of Horse Illustrated
    Maybe you think you’re the equestrian who has it all. You’ve got the fanciest new breeches and the chic cowgirl boots. Your barn is painted in Martha Stewart colors and your horse wears Louis Vuitton leg wraps. Yeah, you’re pretty fashion-forward. But do you have an authentic pair of Lady D.J. Jeans? You know, the “western jeans made for the cowboy disco scene”? Does your boyfriend dress like a real urban cowboy? If you’d been shopping in the HI Country Store back in 1981, you could answer “yes” to these questions, and oh so many more.

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