HorseChannel’s Online Tack Guide: Wire-Wrapped Snaffle


Wire-wrapped snaffle bitWire-Wrapped Snaffle: Closely compacted bands of narrow wire are wrapped so that they lie in flat coils around the bit’s mouthpiece. A wire-wrapped snaffle should not to be confused with a plain wire or twisted-wire snaffle, both of which should be considered more severe in effect.

  • Either copper or a steel-alloy can be used for the wire.
  • The wrapped-wire design adds texture to the mouthpiece, so the horse “feels” the bit against its tongue and lips, thereby slightly increasing its affect.
  • The wrapped wire also tends to add heft and weight, a bonus for large horses that tend to lug or hand on the bit.
  • Because copper wire is comparatively soft, watch for flattened, compressed or rough edges which can occur if the horse chews or grips the bit with its teeth.

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