America’s Favorite Trail Horse will return for a second season


Trail ridingThe American Competitive Trail Horse Association is proud to announce Season Two of America’s Favorite Trail Horse, a national TV series in search of the best trail horse in the country.

“Season One of America’s Favorite Trail Horse was a huge success! The horses we met and the stories that we shared touched our hearts, there was no way that we couldn’t do this again” stated ACTHA Co-founder Karen VanGetson. “Our mission is to give the great trail horse the recognition it deserves and this is a wonderful opportunity to do just that.”

In a similar format to the first season, horses all over the country will have a chance to compete to win over $100,000 in cash and prizes, including a new 4 Star living quarter trailer finished by Trail Boss Conversions Inc. The finals will be held at the beautiful Franklin Family Ranch in Blanco, TX and will be aired on national TV.

Season Two will bring exciting changes. ACTHA has announced it will be offering  Professional and Pleasure divisions. This will allow contestants to compete against other riders with similar abilities. This coming season will also welcome video auditions, so those riders who are not located near a live audition site, don’t miss out on their chance to submit their audition.

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