If you know a young rider living in or around Virginia who likes the challenge of steeplechasing and hunt races and is also somewhat of a thrill-seeker on horseback they may be intrigued by the Junior Field Master Chase offered at the International Gold Cup Oct. 20 at Great Meadow in The Plains, Va.
The Chase is open to junior riders under 18 on ponies or horses that at least 5 years old and that have experience with any foxhunting, beagle pack or pony club. Riders are to follow the Field Master at a hunting pace over a flagged course not to exceed two miles and no less than one-and-a-half miles, with obstacles up to three feet in height. At a designated place, the Field Master will release the field to race for the finish.
Trophies will be presented to riders in divisions for small/large ponies and junior horses.
There will be a $500 award for the winning Hunt Club, Beagle Club or Pony Club.
For additional visit the web site at www.vagoldcup.com.