Mane ‘n Tail Celebrates DreamWorks Animation’s Spirit Riding Free: Riding Academy While Discovering the Spirit for Great Hair

Mane 'n Tail and Spirit Riding Free
Photo Courtesy Mane n’ Tail

It’s a natural fit for Mane ‘n Tail and DreamWorks Animation to team up for a collaboration to celebrate the Netflix original series Spirit Riding Free and its new season, Spirit Riding Free: Riding Academy. The Emmy® Award-winning series is about an ex-city girl, Lucky, who winds up in the small western town of Miradero and forms a tight bond with a wild horse named Spirit, all the while experiencing a ton of fun adventures with her new best pals, Pru and Abigail. In their latest adventure, the PALs (Pru, Abigail, and Lucky) and their horses head off to a prestigious riding academy to live and learn together.

What’s the “mane” connection? Teaming up “girl power” and “horse power.” Fans can follow the PALs from Spirit Riding Free and their horses (Chica Linda, Boomerang, and Spirit) as they make their way to Palomino Bluff’s Riding Academy, while not only celebrating their bond, but embracing the uniqueness of each girl and her horse! The DreamWorks series and Mane ‘n Tail celebrates the multi-cultural diversity of both “girl power” that spans the gamut of multi-culture (including all hair types) and “horse power” that runs rampant in all different breeds of horses.

Mane ‘n Tail products will be in stores with special bottle hang tags that give details about the DreamWorks Spirit Riding Free fan page. Once you are on the website, you may learn about the promotions for all the wonderful fans of the show. You will also be seeing a lot of buzz on the Mane ‘n Tail social media pages on both the personal care side and the equine/pet side.

The lesson today at the Spirit Riding Free: Riding Academy is how to have “amazing hair”—not just for yourself but for your horse as well! Mane ‘n Tail has the solutions for long, flowing manes, for you and your four-legged friends, while teaching “good grooming” inside and out.

Celebrating both diversity and oneness is a common theme for both Mane ‘n Tail as a hair care and grooming brand, as it is for DreamWorks Spirit Riding Free as a series. Not only does Mane ‘n Tail have a solution for all hair types (from curly, to straight, to fine, to textured, etc.), but it makes shampoo and conditioner designed for “multi-species” (people, horses and other pets, too)! So, get the message about sharing your shampoo and conditioner with your four-legged friends. Wait, we started long ago in the barn, so maybe it is the reverse—the horses are sharing their shampoo and conditioner with us. Tune into the new series, which debuted on September 4, for great gal and horse adventures that will get you into the “spirit,” while at the same time you will Discover the Spirit for Great Hair!

About Mane N’ Tail

Since 1970, Mane N’ Tail continues to create and provide exclusive hair and skin care products renowned for quality and performance in both the equestrian and personal care markets. Naturally expanding to accommodate people, as the equestrian audience discovered a valuable “secret,” that the products they were using on their horses created remarkable results when used on themselves, as well. Mane ‘n Tail is now a leading brand in the personal hair and skin care world. Mane ‘n Tail continues to manufacture all products right here in the U.S., adhering to strict quality assurances, guidelines and consistently meeting a high-performance standard. It has expanded the variety of equine products to include the brands Cowboy Magic and Exhibitor’s. Mane ‘n Tail currently sells its products in over 200,000+ locations throughout North America and internationally. For more information, visit and


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