Knabstrupper Stallion in a Class by Himself

The Knabstrupper passed the 30-day stallion test from the RPSI

During the test period, Nov. 2 – Dec.1 at Silver Creek Sport Horses in Broken Arrow, Okla.  stallions ages 3 to 6 that had already been accepted under conformation requirements were scored according to their performance under saddle and in free jumping. RPSI representatives from the German Verband judged the stallions on attitude, willingness, trainability and personality.

Sheik is a16-hand, full-spotted black leopard Knabstrupper, a Danish breed used for performance and general riding that is known for his intelligence and even-tempered disposition, as well as his colorful appearance.

Sheik’s RPSI designation makes him an acceptable outcross with a number of other breed registries, including those representing the Fredriksborger, Danish Oldenburg, Trakehner, Shagya Arab, Anglo-Arab, Danish Warmblood, Holsteiner and approved Thoroughbreds.


  1. He is sooo beautiful. I love his color I have always been crazy about leopard knabstrupper horses. I think that they are so neat because of their color. I don’t know much about this breed but I do know that they are beautiful animals..


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