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ASPCA Right Horse Adoptable Horse of the Week: Jubilee

Welcome to Horse Illustrated’s weekly installment of the Right Horse Adoptable Horse of the Week, offered in partnership with the ASPCA’s Right Horse program. This week’s adoptable horse is Jubilee! Check back weekly for a new featured horse so you can find your Right Horse.

Photo courtesy Longmeadow Rescue Ranch

Adoptable Horse: Jubille, an 18-year-old 14.1hh American Paint Horse mare
Organization: Longmeadow Rescue Ranch, Union, Mo.

Get to Know Adoptable Horse Jubilee

Jubilee was rescued by The Humane Society of Missouri’s Animal Cruelty Task Force. In addition to being very thin, her basic medical and farrier needs were not being met. She had overgrown hooves and was suffering from dental neglect and a heavy parasite load. After several months of gaining weight, deworming, hoof care and a much needed dental float, she is now ready to find her forever home.

Longmeadow Rescue Ranch evaluated her to determine her level of training, and although it seems she has some experience carrying tack and a rider, she will need to be restarted. She was comfortable accepting a saddle and rider, but didn’t seem to know about steering or wearing a bit. Within just two training sessions, her steering improved.

Jubilee has beautiful pinto markings and a pretty bay face. She is full of personality, and Longmeadow believes she will be a lot of fun. She will need to be restarted by a professional trainer and then will be appropriate for a confident intermediate rider.

Maximum carrying weight (tack plus rider): 210 lb

Photo courtesy Longmeadow Rescue Ranch

Could this week’s adoptable horse be the Right Horse you have been waiting for? Click here for more information about Jubilee, the ASPCA Right Horse Adoptable Horse of the Week.

My Right Horse

My Right Horse is the online adoption platform of The Right Horse Initiative, a collection of equine industry and welfare professionals and advocates working together to improve the lives of horses in transition. A program of the ASPCA, their goal is to massively increase horse adoption in the United States. To find more adoptable horses and foster horses, visit To learn more about The Right Horse, a program of the ASPCA, visit

Horse Illustrated

Horse Illustrated is the magazine for people who are passionate about horses. Each issue offers advice on horse health and care, plus user-friendly training tips for both English and western riders and engaging lifestyle features for horse lovers.

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