Winter is here, and that lovely horse of yours—the one who looked gorgeous at the summer shows—is now hiding in…
When horses get bored, they sometimes get destructive, as many chewed stall walls and broken fence rails can attest. A…
Whether you’ve owned horses for a long time or you’re planning to buy your first horse (or first horse in…
Have a foal due this spring? Congratulations! There’s nothing quite like an equine youngster to add happiness, fun, and a…
Electric fencing remains a very popular and effective fence choice for many horse properties. And it’s for good reason: Electric…
In many regions, summer is the time when snakes are the most active, although snake activity can pick up in…
Summer and fall are fine times of year to get out of the arena and onto the trail for some…
At small horse shows without professional photographers on site, it’s usually up to friends and family members to take all…
In many regions, horse owners spend less time riding in the winter, abandoning their tack rooms in a state of…
On a rise near the edge of our horse property, we have two adjoining pastures. This is where a couple…