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Fran Severn

Fran Severn

Fran Severn is a freelance writer and broadcaster who grew up in the city but was determined to get horses in her life.
Wendy Hofstee: Riding Around the World with Unicorn TrailsWendy Hofstee: Riding Around the World with Unicorn Trails

Wendy Hofstee: Riding Around the World with Unicorn Trails

Wendy Hofstee has a very thick passport. Three hundred thirty-eight trips to 156 countries—and all of those trips were on…

4 weeks ago
Emergency Alerts for EquestriansEmergency Alerts for Equestrians

Emergency Alerts for Equestrians

These handy devices alert EMS or contacts in case of emergency. Some feature fall-detection, GPS location and two-way communication as…

2 years ago