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Julie Goodnight and Heidi Melocco

Julie Goodnight and Heidi Melocco

Julie Goodnight shares her lessons on her RFD-TV show, Horse Master (also online at, and through clinics and expos. Heidi Melocco ( is a lifelong horsewoman, equine journalist, and photographer.
How to Desensitize Your HorseHow to Desensitize Your Horse

How to Desensitize Your Horse

Horses are sensitive, but also easy to desensitize. With anything new, a horse will likely react at first. That’s his…

6 years ago
Horses Behaving BadlyHorses Behaving Badly

Horses Behaving Badly

Horses crave structure, consistency, praise and even discipline. In a herd setting, horses feel safe when they know that there’s…

6 years ago
Essential Skills: Leading MistakesEssential Skills: Leading Mistakes

Essential Skills: Leading Mistakes

You teach your horse how much to respect you and your space each time you lead him. While you may…

6 years ago
Western Lesson: Fast No MoreWestern Lesson: Fast No More

Western Lesson: Fast No More

Is your horse a whiz at speed events, but tough to slow down when you want a calmer ride in…

6 years ago
Purposeful GroundworkPurposeful Groundwork

Purposeful Groundwork

Some riders believe that their horse doesn't need purposeful groundwork, others swear by it. Read on to learn more about…

6 years ago
Trail Training ClubTrail Training Club

Trail Training Club

Trail riding during a large, organized trail ride can be relaxing and fun—if your horse is willing to fall in…

7 years ago
Get on BoardGet on Board

Get on Board

If getting in the trailer isn’t your horse’s favorite activity, making sure that you know where to be can ensure…

7 years ago
Canter Boot Camp Part 3: Overcoming Fear for a More Controlled CanterCanter Boot Camp Part 3: Overcoming Fear for a More Controlled Canter

Canter Boot Camp Part 3: Overcoming Fear for a More Controlled Canter

Not having a controlled canter is scary. If your horse has acted up at the canter by bucking or bolting…

7 years ago
Canter Boot Camp Part 2: Keeping the CanterCanter Boot Camp Part 2: Keeping the Canter

Canter Boot Camp Part 2: Keeping the Canter

Catch up with Part 1 of Julie Goodnight's Canter Boot Camp series here. Maintaining the canter can be difficult, follow…

7 years ago
Canter Boot Camp Part 1: On CueCanter Boot Camp Part 1: On Cue

Canter Boot Camp Part 1: On Cue

Cantering. One word can return images of freedom and adventure or fear and even panic. Here, we’ll talk about the…

7 years ago