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Horse Grooming

Learn more about grooming a horse to improve his overall health and hair coat and help him look his best. Articles include topics such as tips from the pros for looking good at the shows, mane and tail care, how to wrap your horse's tail, body clipping, braiding the mane and tail, secrets to a shiny coat, ways to optimize your grooming time, tips for bathing a horse, the tools used for grooming, and so much more. In addition, learn how to clean your brushing and other tools with proper maintenance. Compiling a basic kit for your horse is part of good horsemanship. Grooming your equine on a daily basis gives you a chance to look him over for wounds, hoof maladies and general well-being.

Consistent daily grooming keeps your horse looking good and makes the job easier. Whether you’re getting ready for a show or are short on time to tack up and ride, regular maintenance helps ensure you won’t have to do...
Everyone wants a gorgeous tail in the show-ring. Once you get to the bigger stock-breed shows, tail extensions are common. Check with your association’s rules, however, before you spring for a tail extension. Arabians and Morgans, for example, must...
While a shiny coat begins with proper nutrition, professional horsemen do have some tricks up their sleeves in show day grooming to give their horse’s coats some extra sparkle. Incorporate some or all of these tips into your show-day horse...
  Some horses are naturally gifted with a long, thick tail. If your horse has one, your chief concern is simply keeping it that way. But if he has a short, sparse or otherwise skimpy tail, you’re most likely trying...

Bathing Step-by-Step

1. Assemble all your bath equipment at the wash rack.You’ll need:Large bucket Equine Shampoo & Conditioner ...
A professional body clipper since 1997, Dana Boyd-Miller is most famous for her spectacular clipping designs and patterns. "I use stencils made of either thin cardboard, such as manila folders or cereal boxes, or mylar plastic from the craft store...
There’s something appealing about a horse with a long, thick tail. But what if your horse is a bit sparse in the tail department? Is there any hope? Maybe. It’s difficult to wage war against genetics. If your horse inherited...
A horse with white legs stands out in a crowd. But those flashy white stockings require some regular grooming to keep them looking their eye-catching best. White stockings can look dingy, dull and yellow for two reasons: The hair...
Did show season sneak up on you and your horse? Does everything about an upcoming show look appealing, except your horse? Well, take heart. Even though the clock is ticking, here are 10 steps that’ll help transform your barn...
In the good old, bad old days, we used to think tail rubbing was just an annoying habit. Take a look at any horse care book written 30 years ago and you might find the author advising readers to...
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