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Horse Health

Horse Illustrated has hundreds of articles on horse health topics, such as certain diseases and conditions, how to improve horse wellbeing, and how to help your sick horse. Find articles about veterinary exams, dental exams, horse diseases, horse conditions, research studies on horse health, supplements, veterinary treatments, surgeries, diagnostic tools and their uses, equine emergencies, and more. Learn how to help your horse behave for the vet and the farrier, how to budget for veterinary bills, more on stretching and equine chiropractic care, rehabilitating a horse, etc.Conditions discussed include colic, laminitis, Cushing's, ulcers, arthritis, infectious diseases (West Nile, strangles, etc.), hives and other skin conditions, and many more. For owners wanting to help their equine partners feel their best, we have it all.

 Q: My horse is a very easy keeper. He lives outdoors 24/7 and doesn’t get any grain. He wears a grazing muzzle in the spring and summer which seems to keep him from getting too fat, but is he...
Planes, trains and automobiles – the ability to move horses across the country, and even around the world, has come a long way. Although equine transportation is readily accessible in many forms, it is not natural for horses, and...
 Q: My 8-year-old Quarter Horse is on high-quality grain and a regular deworming program, but he's just not filling out in the hip area. He's at a good weight otherwise, possibly even a bit overweight. He's started regular training...
 Q: I have a 15-year-old gelding that I acquired last year. When I first brought him home he was very underweight. I have been giving him grain and senior feed along with his hay to get his weight up...
Spring is upon us, and it’s time for your veterinarian to check in on your horse. An annual vet visit is important if you want to keep your horse happy and healthy during the coming year. Vaccinations The most valuable information...
For the average horse with normal tooth development and regular oral exams, dental care is generally straightforward. Sharp enamel points are reduced, the mechanics of the mouth are evaluated and maintained, and considerations are made for performance horses (e.g....
 Q: It has been 20 degrees Fahrenheit or colder here for weeks. Is it safe to work my horse in these temperatures, or is it bad for his lungs? Should I scale back or stop riding completely?A: I don’t...
Q: My friend told me that it’s better to keep the windows open in the barn so fresh air circulates, even in the winter. Is that still true in the middle of a polar vortex? I hate to leave...
Your horse has had a nice rest over the winter months and you’re ready to put him back into steady work. Finally, birds are singing, grass is growing and the spring thaw is well underway. It’s time to get...
SmartPak's Dr. Lydia Gray

Ask the Vet

Dr. Lydia Gray is the Medical Director and Staff Veterinarian for SmartPak Equine in Plymouth, MA, where she directs the research and development of products and provides horse health and nutrition education to a wide variety of audiences.Dr. Gray’s...
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