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Horse Health

Horse Illustrated has hundreds of articles on horse health topics, such as certain diseases and conditions, how to improve horse wellbeing, and how to help your sick horse. Find articles about veterinary exams, dental exams, horse diseases, horse conditions, research studies on horse health, supplements, veterinary treatments, surgeries, diagnostic tools and their uses, equine emergencies, and more. Learn how to help your horse behave for the vet and the farrier, how to budget for veterinary bills, more on stretching and equine chiropractic care, rehabilitating a horse, etc.Conditions discussed include colic, laminitis, Cushing's, ulcers, arthritis, infectious diseases (West Nile, strangles, etc.), hives and other skin conditions, and many more. For owners wanting to help their equine partners feel their best, we have it all.

One of the most devastating equine diseases is laminitis. With myriad causes, no fully reliable treatment and often a dismal prognosis in severe cases, laminitis is a dreaded diagnosis. A new collection of research published by the Equine Veterinary...
 Basic ChartDetailed ChartKeeping track of your horse's routine health care is one of the best steps to ensuring his lifelong wellness, but it can also be a challenge. Between deworming, hoof care, dentistry and veterinary visits, there's a lot...
Q: My horse has the lumps on her back, the vet said they were protein bumps, what causes them, and how do I get rid of them? A: What you are describing are likely collagen deposits under your horse’s skin, which...
Q: What exactly are capped hocks and is there any treatment available? Will the swelling ever go down? A: A capped hock is an inflammatory swelling of the bursa, or protective synovial capsule that surrounds a joint, at the point...
Laminitis is a painful inflammation of the tissue within the foot that connects the hoof wall to the coffin bone. It can cause extreme lameness and may require euthanasia. It most commonly occurs in the front hooves. In severe...

Kentucky Bluegrass

Kentucky Bluegrass Kentucky bluegrass is a cool-season grass (Poa pratensis) that grows best in spring and fall, and resists trampling and close grazing quite well. It is found in lawns and horse pastures across the nation due to its ability...
Joint Supplements Arthritis and degenerative joint disease are common problems in performance horses. They can often be managed with joint supplements that allow a horse to continue a useful athletic career. These can be administered topically, orally, intramuscularly, intravenously or...
Insulin Resistance When starches and sugars are consumed, the body releases insulin, a hormone that cues absorption and storage of sugar from the bloodstream. Overfeeding starch and sugars can make horses “insulin resistant,” meaning the body cannot absorb glucose properly...
hay horse stall

Hay for Horses

When purchasing hay for your horse, assess its freshness; it should not be dusty or smell moldy or musty. Moldy hay contributes to respiratory ailments in horses. The more mature the hay is when it’s harvested, the more stemmy...
grazing closeup


Grazing Good-quality pasture is a wonderful source of energy, protein, fiber and vitamins. Horses enjoy grazing and are designed to move around, eating grass in a herd situation. In most areas, however, pasture space is limited and careful maintenance is...
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