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Horse Health

Horse Illustrated has hundreds of articles on horse health topics, such as certain diseases and conditions, how to improve horse wellbeing, and how to help your sick horse. Find articles about veterinary exams, dental exams, horse diseases, horse conditions, research studies on horse health, supplements, veterinary treatments, surgeries, diagnostic tools and their uses, equine emergencies, and more. Learn how to help your horse behave for the vet and the farrier, how to budget for veterinary bills, more on stretching and equine chiropractic care, rehabilitating a horse, etc.Conditions discussed include colic, laminitis, Cushing's, ulcers, arthritis, infectious diseases (West Nile, strangles, etc.), hives and other skin conditions, and many more. For owners wanting to help their equine partners feel their best, we have it all.

Many of the mysteries of the equine gastrointestinal (GI) tract have yet to be solved. Still, we can say with confidence that the horse’s GI tract has worked pretty well for millennia. But what makes it function smoothly? A...
Rabies doesn’t always come in the form of a drooling, snarling, biting dog. Sometimes, especially in horses, this deadly disease presents itself quietly and mimics other conditions. Although equine rabies is relatively rare, it’s a silent killer. Not only...
Feet are the foundation of the horse; everything starts from the bottom up.“There is more blood supply to the horse’s feet than to his brain,” says Raul J. Bras, DVM, a veterinarian and Certified Journeyman Farrier in the podiatry...
Equine botulism toxicity was a grim diagnosis. Cathy and I tried to reassure each other as the expensive antitoxin was administered to Hans at the veterinary hospital. Equine botulism toxin works in a very specific way, binding itself to...
My mentor and friend Dr. George Platt had been an equine vet for 43 years. I was in my third year of practice and had just confirmed a 13-hand pregnant pony had accidentally been bred to an 18-hand Belgian...
Dental care and barn time may seem unrelated, but unexpected tooth pain leads to a scramble to see the dentist. As humans, it’s tempting to equate our horse’s dental needs to our own—but is it that simple?Here, a veterinarian...
Don't let horse allergies hinder your riding plans this spring.We've all been there. It's a spring day of good weather, perfect for a ride. As you amble to the barn to saddle up, you hear coughing. Turning the corner,...
Horse Illustrated's Vet Adventures columnist shares how she discovers a massive horse health problem. Cimarron, a stallion, lay quietly on his side in the snow as I walked up to his pen. He stretched out his neck and halfheartedly nibbled...
In this Vet Adventures column, a horse suffers an accidental injury, but he still finds his perfect match through a strange twist of fate. Everyone had high hopes for Bramble when he was born. The offspring of two prominent Quarter...
For a veterinarian, time is extremely valuable. Every minute represents a chance to save an equine life—but some horse owners don't always respect the value of a veterinarian's time.I checked my watch as I parked at the unfamiliar arena....
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