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Home Horse Care Horse Pest Control

Horse Pest Control

Pest control for horses involves controlling pests on the farm, such as mosquitoes, flies, rodents, snakes, bats, birds and other small animals, such as opossums, skunks, raccoons, etc. Pest control helps cut down on disease risk. Keeping unwanted pests out of pastures, paddocks and barns is a challenge for most horse owners. And understanding the health threats these animals present and why it is important to reduce their numbers can be an important way to keep our horses healthy. Let Horse Illustrated's articles give you more information about the various techniques for controlling pests on the farm for all of the various unwanted critters, especially when it comes to fly control, which is one of the biggest issues that horse owners deal with during the warmer months.

It’s almost summertime—there’s more time to ride and more time to spend outside with your horse. Unfortunately, the warm weather also means more time for flies to start reproducing. Flies will soon be tormenting your horse, if they aren’t...
It’s summer. Just listen: tractors, songbirds, bullfrogs, and a chorus of earth-shaking hoof stomps are the sounds of summer around a farm. If there’s one sound we all recognize, it is that repetitive thud … thud … thud of...
Don't let horse allergies hinder your riding plans this spring.We've all been there. It's a spring day of good weather, perfect for a ride. As you amble to the barn to saddle up, you hear coughing. Turning the corner,...
In many regions, summer is the time when snakes are the most active, although snake activity can pick up in the fall as temperatures start to drop and snakes come out for warm sunshine before their season of hibernation...
While for most horses, insects are just a nuisance, but some are incredibly sensitive to insect bites, have chronic inflammation from Lyme disease, or have allergic reactions and cannot use commonly used chemical sprays. So what are some natural,...
While many equestrians welcome the summer with open arms (more riding!), there are a few downsides to the season from your horse’s point of view. At the top of the list of your horse’s warm-weather woes are likely two...
Gotta Be Him, aka “Jaxson,” needed three bottles of Zyrtec allergy medication to survive summer. Bug bites caused welts, some golf-ball sized. The swelling lasted three days or more, and the sorrel gelding developed soreness in his front feet...
Believe it or not, skin is the body’s largest organ, so it makes sense that untreated skin funk can make your horse miserable in a hurry, especially when exacerbated by heat and biting insects. some skin conditions are also...
Things that fly, bite and bother your horse are in the air, and in the gut. Whether you board your horse or have your pony at home, now is the time to think about parasite control for horses to...
You’ve no doubt heard the old adage, “fight fire with fire.” A similar line of thinking can be used for using parasitoids for fly control by fighting insects with insects.Also known as biological control, this concept uses the natural...
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