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Horse Pest Control

Protecting Your Horse This Spring from Flies and Worms, Oh My!Protecting Your Horse This Spring from Flies and Worms, Oh My!

Protecting Your Horse This Spring from Flies and Worms, Oh My!

Tiny creatures certainly have the ability to make our lives, as well as the lives of our horses, miserable. While…

4 years ago
Fly Away: New Fly Products for SummerFly Away: New Fly Products for Summer

Fly Away: New Fly Products for Summer

Horse owners are always trying to fight the flies and other irritating insects. With these new fly products, you can…

5 years ago
Fall Wellness Countdown for Your Horse’s CareFall Wellness Countdown for Your Horse’s Care

Fall Wellness Countdown for Your Horse’s Care

Each season change brings its own set of challenges and opportunities. Here are the most important checkpoints to carefully consider…

5 years ago
April 2020 SmartPak SmartTip of the Month: Controlling Flies from all AnglesApril 2020 SmartPak SmartTip of the Month: Controlling Flies from all Angles

April 2020 SmartPak SmartTip of the Month: Controlling Flies from all Angles

Nothing ruins a day at the barn faster than bothersome flies. In addition to being a nuisance, insects can cause…

5 years ago
Understanding Fly Spray LabelsUnderstanding Fly Spray Labels

Understanding Fly Spray Labels

Fly spray tends to fall into the category of “things we use regularly, but don’t necessarily understand." Read on to…

7 years ago
7 Fly Control Myths7 Fly Control Myths

7 Fly Control Myths

Keeping insects away from your horse and out of your barn can seem an exercise in futility at times. While…

10 years ago
Critter Control at the BarnCritter Control at the Barn

Critter Control at the Barn

Sweeping, scrubbing and removing cobwebs from each stall is a ritual at Jill Girardi-Thomas’ Franklin, Tenn., barn. But all this…

10 years ago
Mosquito Woes: How to Protect Your HorseMosquito Woes: How to Protect Your Horse

Mosquito Woes: How to Protect Your Horse

Standing water near your horse's home can become breeding grounds for mosquitoes.   Amazing how a tiny insect can cause…

11 years ago
Tips for a Fly-Free SummerTips for a Fly-Free Summer

Tips for a Fly-Free Summer

It takes an integrated, multi-step strategy to keep flies under control. By using a combination of methods, you can target…

11 years ago
Horsemanship How-to: Soothe the Fly-Sensitive HorseHorsemanship How-to: Soothe the Fly-Sensitive Horse

Horsemanship How-to: Soothe the Fly-Sensitive Horse

Flies always provoke some kind of reaction around a horse, whether it’s a stomp of a hoof or a swish…

12 years ago