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Horse Illustrated

These articles and stories have been printed in the pages of Horse Illustrated magazine and are now archived online for anyone who loves horses.HORSE ILLUSTRATED is one of the nation’s largest all-around horse magazines. It serves the hands-on horse owner by promoting the best in horse care, riding and training. We are an all-breed, all-discipline magazine for adult readers. Our goal is to provide easily accessible information about all aspects of responsible horse ownership and issues of interest to the equestrian community.We cover:

  • Training articles that can apply to both western and English riders
  • Horse health—one of our most popular topics
  • Horse care how-tos, such as grooming and tips to help make your horse shine
  • Trail riding topics and topics from a variety of disciplines
  • Fresh ways to approach season horse care topics, such as deworming, senior horse care, fly control, and more
  • Interviews with celebrities that ride or own horses; fun and quirky Q&As with leading competitors of various disciplines, as well as short profiles of interesting people in the horse world
  • Humor, first-person pieces, human-interest stories, and rider-to-rider advice
  • Equestrian travel and tourism, including fun destinations to horseback in
  • Rider fitness, health and well-being, diet, exercise, and tips for riders mental health
  • Style trends and décor for equestrians

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Take a well deserved break from your studies and play some of our fun games.
Take a well deserved break from your studies and play some of our fun games.
Learn basic trimming techniques to keep your horse looking his best. By Leslie PotterTrimming your horse's face, bridle path and legs will help keep him looking neat and tidy and make grooming easier. If you compete, clipping is an essential...

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table td { border: 1px solid #ededed; padding: 2px 3px!important; }Horse Health College - Open Classes• Equine Health Basics - Covers the essentials of equine health care that every horse owner should know. Find out how...
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