Want to help battle cancer and get great gear? The more than 7,000–member American Junior Paint Horse Association (AjPHA) recently…
Female horse lovers mark your calendars. Lynn Palm’s inaugural retreat, Women LUV Horses, is scheduled to take place May 18…
Owning a horse is much more than just fuzzy muzzles and time in the saddle. The realities of horse ownership…
Two prestigious horse shows may say goodbye to Wellington Not since residents created a village on this land 10 years…
How often do you see ads promoting an ointment as the wonder tonic for healing wounds on horses? How well…
The Purina Mills Horse Business Group has announced the 13th year of its largest and most popular equine event. The…
OK Baby Boomers, dust off your black and white TV sets. Even better, troll through the bins at your local…
Though Southern California is currently experiencing an unusual cold snap, it’s hoped that the annual west coast presentation of Equine…
Seventeen equestrian vaulters from across nation arrive in the San Francisco Bay area this weekend, Jan. 20 - 21, for…
Take four horse-crazy little girls, add some recently rescued horses in need of funds for foster care, toss in some…