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Horse News

Horse Illustrated covers the latest news from the horse industry, including coverage from special equine events, such as the FEI World Equestrian Games, the Olympics, and a variety of national championships. Topics include awards won, association education and programs, changes in legislation impacting the horse industry, special events featuring horses, news about special horse people doing extraordinary things, the latest research, information from breed and discipline associations and other groups, and much more. Stay up to date on the happenings of the horse industry and follow Horse Illustrated as staff attend events and gain first-hand experience on the ground and from the show arena.

Just this month, Heidi Courneya was casually surfing the Internet when she made a startling discovery. She came upon www.netposse.com, the Internet website for Stolen Horse International (SHI), an organization for stolen and missing horses. Imagine her shock when...
Is the gift-giving season galloping up on you? Here's a fun, easy gift to make for your horse-owning friends. If you're a creative type you can embellish it as much as you desire.  Visit your favorite craft store and...
Equine Viral Arteritis is nothing for horse owners to sneeze at, especially as breeding season is just around the corner. In particular, Texas equine producers, veterinarians and livestock health officials have become increasingly concerned about Equine Viral Arteritis (EVA),...
Tevis Cup

The Tevis Cup

Stories of settling the West are filled with images of resilient horses crossing the desert plains. It was these legends that began to spur discussion among 59-year-old Wendell Robie and some friends. In the 1950s, few people believed that...
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