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Horse Ownership

Train Your Horse to Unload from the Trailer Safely

Horses rest in the trailer after arriving at their destination. Teaching your horse to unload carefully will make all of…

18 years ago

Fire in the Hills

Photo by Cameron Strandberg from Rocky Mountain House, Alberta, Canada (DSC_7139) CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons Kathy Voyer wasn’t…

18 years ago

The Big Chill

Growing up in Northwest Indiana, where lake effect snow is a way of life, one of the things that worried…

18 years ago

18 years ago

Equine Jet Setters

The consequences of jet lag in horses have become more relevant in recent years due to international competition and the…

18 years ago

Trailer Tips

• Lubricate the hitch ball with some sort of grease. Never let it get dry. • Remember to shut windows…

18 years ago

Fungus Among Us

Winter blankets harbor bacteria and fungi that can lead to skin irritation. Keep winter blankets dry, and clean them regularly.…

18 years ago

Proof Is In The Pasture

Pasture-kept horses have the ability to interact socially and are exposed to a rich environment, but have less contact with…

18 years ago

Healthy Pastures

I have two horses on an acre of pasture grass. I supplement them with hay, but I’m wondering if you…

18 years ago

Poisonous Posies

Learn to identify poisonous plants in your horse’s pasture by visiting these university websites. Plant photos, toxicity ratings, signs of…

18 years ago