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Horse Arena and Footing

Horse arenas and their related footing are an important part of any horse facility. Riders spend a lot of time in the ring practicing new skills in the saddle, bonding with groundwork, and getting ready for horse shows. And if a farm owner is lucky, he or she will have an indoor arena (if living in a state with bad weather), along with outdoor arenas. They foundation of any great horse arena is obviously the footing. Determining the perfect foundation for the disciplines being ridden on the farm and maintaining that foundation is key to keeping horses sounds and healthy.

How to Build a Riding Arena at HomeHow to Build a Riding Arena at Home

How to Build a Riding Arena at Home

Many horse owners dream of owning a home riding arena or facility. Lucky you—your dream has come true. You have…

6 months ago
Wise Up With Your Ring-Wise HorseWise Up With Your Ring-Wise Horse

Wise Up With Your Ring-Wise Horse

Just like humans, horses can grow tired of certain situations and develop a sour attitude toward a repetitive job. Nothing…

3 years ago
Fall Farm PrepFall Farm Prep

Fall Farm Prep

When it still feels like fall to you, your horses know better! And they start putting on their winter coats…

5 years ago
Initial Results from UK Indoor Horse Arena Survey ReleasedInitial Results from UK Indoor Horse Arena Survey Released

Initial Results from UK Indoor Horse Arena Survey Released

When University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Food and Environment graduate student Staci McGill set out to learn more about…

5 years ago
Arena LightingArena Lighting

Arena Lighting

Having a great new arena is a dream come true, and being able to use it at night is a…

12 years ago
Sand for Riding Arena FootingSand for Riding Arena Footing

Sand for Riding Arena Footing

Sand is the most common arena footing used throughout the United States and is a good shock absorber. The best…

13 years ago
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At-home Riding Arena Maintenance

You’ve spent time and money clearing, grading and bringing in materials. Your dream has come true: You’ve built a riding…

13 years ago

The Fine art of Footing at the Washington International Horse Show

The Washington International Horse Show (WIHS) in Washington, D.C., presents a challenge that few other competitions face. Each year, this…

14 years ago
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Riding Arena Maintenance

A Textile Riding Hall by equitent_horseexperts - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0 de   Maintaining your new arena is important…

15 years ago