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Home and Acreage

Many horse owners have their horse on the same property as their house along with enough acreage to support their horse's nutritional needs. Whether you want to design your own property for an overall horse home or you want tips on maintaining your farm or ranch and its acreage, Horse Illustrated has you covered with its articles on home and horse farms. Delve deeper into topics, such as arenas and footing and pastures and fencing. Topics include designing your perfect horse property, building a barn, creating an arena on site and how to maintain that arena, types of footing, pasture maintenance, managing mud, poisonous plants, types of horse fencing, what fencing to avoid, and more.

A secure gate attached to a safe and sturdy fence is the only barrier between your horse and all the trouble he can get into should he get loose–a compelling reason to check fencing carefully and often. Some fence...
 Q: I have a nice pasture at my house and I’m thinking about bringing home a Miniature Horse. However, my pasture has various fruit trees, including apple, fig and black walnut, among others. Is it safe to keep a...
Sand is the most common arena footing used throughout the United States and is a good shock absorber. The best sand for a riding arena is usually hard, cleaned and screened, and of medium coarseness. Cleaned means silt and...
You’ve spent time and money clearing, grading and bringing in materials. Your dream has come true: You’ve built a riding arena in your own backyard. Now comes the maintenance ...Your beautiful arena won’t stay that way without ongoing upkeep,...
The Washington International Horse Show (WIHS) in Washington, D.C., presents a challenge that few other competitions face. Each year, this prestigious, year-end hunter/jumper show must be built from scratch inside a major city's sports arena. With this comes the...
One of the most important facets of horsekeeping is safe fencing. A safe fence prevents a horse from getting loose or tangled up and injuring himself. Since horses tend to be very curious creatures, it's a safe bet that...
A Textile Riding Hall by equitent_horseexperts - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0 de  Maintaining your new arena is important if you want to get the most out of it for your horse’s performance and to create safe footing. George Chatigny...

Poisonous Posies

Learn to identify poisonous plants in your horse’s pasture by visiting these university websites. Plant photos, toxicity ratings, signs of poisoning in horses, first aid and prevention are just part of what you will find at:• Cornell University—www.ansci.cornell.edu/plants• Purdue University—www.extension.purdue.edu/extmedia/WS/WS_37_ToxicPlants08.pdf Read more...

Healthy Pastures

I have two horses on an acre of pasture grass. I supplement them with hay, but I’m wondering if you can give me some pointers on pasture management? A healthy, active pleasure horse can obtain 100 percent of his nutritional...

Proof Is In The Pasture

Pasture-kept horses have the ability to interact socially and are exposed to a rich environment, but have less contact with humans than their stall-kept counterparts. A 1997 study* has found that in spite of decreased human intervention, young pasture...
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