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Home and Acreage

Many horse owners have their horse on the same property as their house along with enough acreage to support their horse's nutritional needs. Whether you want to design your own property for an overall horse home or you want tips on maintaining your farm or ranch and its acreage, Horse Illustrated has you covered with its articles on home and horse farms. Delve deeper into topics, such as arenas and footing and pastures and fencing. Topics include designing your perfect horse property, building a barn, creating an arena on site and how to maintain that arena, types of footing, pasture maintenance, managing mud, poisonous plants, types of horse fencing, what fencing to avoid, and more.

Like people, some horses seem to stay fat off the smell of an empty feed sack, while others can consume enough calories to, well, choke a horse without gaining a pound. Few equine management challenges are more distressing than...
horse pasture

Pasture Maintenance

Where your horses are concerned, it’s better to be safe than sorry. The very qualities that attract us to horses—size and strength, intelligence, playfulness, curiosity—are what necessitate a secure turnout environment. So, without fail, regular checks of your pasture...
Meeting a horse's nutritional needs isn't always easy. Many owners mistakenly feed their equine partners as if they were top Olympic show jumpers or United States Equestrian Team endurance champions. But the reality is that many horses are not...
pasture safety

Pasture Safety Checklist

Pastures are like laundry—they're never "done" and need to be kept up with. What may be intact in the spring may need repair by fall, so regular inspections should be part of your barn chores. And, even though your...

Catching a Horse

The rider walks out to the pasture where five horses are grazing. Carrying a halter and lead rope, she leans against a rail and watches. The horses raise their heads, flicking their ears forward. After a few minutes, they...
The circulars and catalogs a la equine slide through the mail chute. Unable to resist the latest horse thing, you eagerly open the first pamphlet. "Got a Poor Doer?" the glossy color brochure asks. "Feed Him Our Newest Supplement...
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