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Pastures and Fencing

Horse pastures provide a large portion of a horse's nutrition and room to exercise, while horse fencing keeps horses safe from harm. Topics surrounding pastures from Horse Illustrated include maintenance, how to provide the proper nutrients for your horse, how to keep him safe from excess sugars in the grass, poisonous plants, growing hay, creating fields from scratch on the new farm, and more. Topics surrounding your horse's enclosures include what materials are safe and appropriate for horses, how to maintain fencing, ways to save money when creating your horse property, and more. Horse Illustrated has all you need to know to keep your horses safe and healthy on the farm.

The circulars and catalogs a la equine slide through the mail chute. Unable to resist the latest horse thing, you eagerly open the first pamphlet. "Got a Poor Doer?" the glossy color brochure asks. "Feed Him Our Newest Supplement...
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