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Horse Ownership

Horse ownership is the ultimate dream of any horse lover. Owning a horse involves a lot of responsibilities, but it also allows us to ride when we want, play with our horses whenever we want, and just enjoy the bond that comes with belonging to one particular horse, or several, depending on how many you own. With horse ownership comes learning about topics like how to buy and sell a horse, stable management, farm and pasture management, footing, emergency planning, trailering, and more. Horse Illustrated and Young Rider cover everything from the simplest act of how to clean a stall on up to how to design your own farm for horses.

 Whether updating a barn or creating a perfect horsey haven from the ground up, equine safety should get top billing. While care is taken in many barn-planning details, from aisle width to insulation to placement of paddocks, many times...
barn window buckskin

Keep Ammonia Away

One of the most important tenets of horse keeping is: thou shalt keep the stall clean. Mucking your horse’s stall is the barn chore you treat like the doing the dishes—annoying as it is, it’s a necessity. Also like...
Editor’s Note: Horse Illustrated is introducing a new column for 2015. Stable Advice is a place for our readers to offer their advice on some of those uniquely equestrian problems. These aren’t the questions that you’d normally ask your...
 Ideally, your horse’s blankets would last from the first chilly day of winter to its last lingering gasp, but that’s often not the case. Read on to learn how to do an emergency patch-up until you can bring his...
Note: This is day 10 of my 30-day blogging challenge. What the heck is a 30-day blogging challenge? Read about it here.I bring my dog to the barn fairly regularly. While we've more or less eliminated her worst habit,...
All horse owners know the familiar and somehow aesthetically pleasing outline of a dozing horse: one hind leg bent in relaxation while the other three legs are locked in place; head hung low; ears relaxed; lower lip drooping and...
Editor’s Note: Horse Illustrated is introducing a new column for 2015. Stable Advice is a place for our readers to offer their advice on some of those uniquely equestrian problems. These aren’t the questions that you’d normally ask your...
Everyday barn chores become even more challenging when wind, freezing temperatures, ice and inclement weather are added to the mix. Minor tweaks and inexpensive purchases can help make these chores as pain-free as possible. Read on for tips you...
You probably already keep your stable stocked with the obvious tools of the trade that keep it running smoothly—stall picks, brooms, muck buckets, etc. But there are a few tools that can make your barn chores even simpler and...
For horse owners in colder locales, keeping horses safe while snow and ice blanket the ground can be a tricky situation. Whether you ride outside year-round or you just want to make sure your horses can be turned out...
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