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Horse Ownership

Horse ownership is the ultimate dream of any horse lover. Owning a horse involves a lot of responsibilities, but it also allows us to ride when we want, play with our horses whenever we want, and just enjoy the bond that comes with belonging to one particular horse, or several, depending on how many you own. With horse ownership comes learning about topics like how to buy and sell a horse, stable management, farm and pasture management, footing, emergency planning, trailering, and more. Horse Illustrated and Young Rider cover everything from the simplest act of how to clean a stall on up to how to design your own farm for horses.

While many barn owners post "No Smoking” signs and are diligent about checking for hot bales when storing hay, there are many other steps that horse owners and barn managers should take during the winter to prevent barn fires.According...
With cold weather upon us, the time has come for all good horse owners to trade in their paddock boots and polo shirts for warm winter gear. And after you’ve changed out your wardrobe, it’s time to think about...
There’s an old adage among longtime horse owners: Eventually all horses go lame. Fortunately, most lamenesses are short-lived, and the horse recovers. But what are your options when your horse becomes permanently unsound? Whether a chronic condition has advanced...
 In our Ask the Vet column, Dr. Lydia Gray answers your horse-health questions at horseillustrated.com/AskTheVet. Got a question for Dr. Gray? Send it to hc-editor@i5publishing.com and use subject line "Ask the Vet."Q: I have two new horses this winter...
Why wait for spring to get in some serious barn cleaning? Instead, use some of those last remaining autumn days to prep your barn for winter. Here are five things at the barn to clean before winter officially arrives. 1....
 Horse shopping via computer is a fabulous way to begin your quest for your new equine companion. It saves time, energy, and can be done in your pajamas! While buying a horse isn’t as simple as "click-click” and a...
Although the thought of riding in the winter may not sound pleasant, there are many good reasons to maintain at least a baseline fitness throughout the season. Horses with osteoarthritis benefit greatly from a winter exercise routine. Restricted mobility...
Protection from the elements is a basic tenet of animal care, and owning a horse is no exception. But what constitutes proper housing during the winter months? In many cases, adult horses in good health can tolerate winter weather...
Weight loss is the most common health issue seen in horses during the winter. Knowing when and how much extra to feed can be tricky. Research has shown that an average adult horse requires extra calories when temperatures dip...
Just as feed considerations are important for your horse during the winter, water is too. The greatest danger in winter is a frozen water source. Horses than don’t consume enough water are in danger of impaction colic, which is...
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