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Horse Ownership

Horse ownership is the ultimate dream of any horse lover. Owning a horse involves a lot of responsibilities, but it also allows us to ride when we want, play with our horses whenever we want, and just enjoy the bond that comes with belonging to one particular horse, or several, depending on how many you own. With horse ownership comes learning about topics like how to buy and sell a horse, stable management, farm and pasture management, footing, emergency planning, trailering, and more. Horse Illustrated and Young Rider cover everything from the simplest act of how to clean a stall on up to how to design your own farm for horses.

Standing water near your horse's home can become breeding grounds for mosquitoes.  Amazing how a tiny insect can cause serious problems for a 1000-pound horse, but mosquitoes can do just that.Those pesky mosquitoes are more than just annoying. They transmit...
Hooking a trailer quickly and correctly requires practice and patience. In order to make sure your trailer is hooked correctly, it’s important to follow the same steps, in the same order, every time you hook and unhook to your...
Maybe he's born with it. Maybe it's Photoshop.This video, created by the South American magazine southarabians.com, shows how it only takes a few minutes and a working knowledge of photo-editing software to make a deceptive stallion ad. The same...
  Your horse’s survival instincts encourage him to seek wide open spaces and steer him clear of confinement. The last place a prey animal wants to find himself is trapped inside a box. Nevertheless, you’ll need to transport...
Have you ever wondered if your current horse is still right for you? Perhaps she’s given all that she has to give. Maybe she no longer offers you the challenge or sense of accomplishment that she once did. This...
Scrambling to locate spurs or hoof polish in your trailer is no way to begin a successful show day and can send your stress level through the roof. There are multiple ways to alleviate this added angst on show...
Planes, trains and automobiles – the ability to move horses across the country, and even around the world, has come a long way. Although equine transportation is readily accessible in many forms, it is not natural for horses, and...
Q: My friend told me that it’s better to keep the windows open in the barn so fresh air circulates, even in the winter. Is that still true in the middle of a polar vortex? I hate to leave...
It’s a sight that any horse person can appreciate: a group of horses grazing together or relaxing in a group beneath the cool shade of a tree. Horses are, after all, herd animals, so they are most at home...
Edited Press Release With temperatures dropping again this week, Michelle D. Harris, VMD, DACVIM, lecturer in the Section of Emergency and Critical Care at Penn Vet’s New Bolton Center, offers the following tips to keep horses healthy and safe...
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