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Horse Ownership

Horse ownership is the ultimate dream of any horse lover. Owning a horse involves a lot of responsibilities, but it also allows us to ride when we want, play with our horses whenever we want, and just enjoy the bond that comes with belonging to one particular horse, or several, depending on how many you own. With horse ownership comes learning about topics like how to buy and sell a horse, stable management, farm and pasture management, footing, emergency planning, trailering, and more. Horse Illustrated and Young Rider cover everything from the simplest act of how to clean a stall on up to how to design your own farm for horses.

My horse Teddy is very sociable and loves nothing better than to be the center of attention. When I found out he was facing some serious health problems, I decided to throw him a fabulous party so that he...
From the multitude of terms pertaining to ratings of horse trailers and tow vehicles, there are five that are extremely important to know and understand when determining towing capacities. Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW or GW) – actual weight of a...
Edited Press Release The heat can wreak havoc on your horse’s health. It can result in dehydration, lethargy and general malaise. Severe heat stress may result in diarrhea and even colic. With the official start of summer just around the...
Keeping your equine partner “healthy as a horse” is a worthy objective that can be achieved with some thoughtful strategies and collaboration with your veterinarian. A springtime tune-up is key in preparing your horse for the active riding season...
To prepare for fly and mosquito season, target insects by eliminating or limiting their breeding grounds. Many insects proliferate around wet areas, such as bogs, ponds and mud. Mosquito larvae hatch in stagnant water that stands for four days,...
VETERINARY PROCEDURESAnnual vaccinations Nutrition and body condition assessment Dentistry Sheath cleaning for male horses Final foaling preparations for pregnant mares Review of deworming schedules: frequency and products Fecal check for internal parasite eggs Discuss fitness and conditioning program Check...
Click the image to download a .pdf of the dewormer chemical classes chart.Many veterinarians advise rotating different deworming “chemical classes” during different times of the year. There are three classes of dewormers available today: macrocyclic lactone, pyrimidine and benzimidazole. All...
Horse for Sale: After reading the ad in the local paper, you stop by the “farm” to check out the young mare. Farm is a term used loosely—the ramshackle fences and dilapidated outbuildings are only one element to this...
Rotating Classes All dewormers are not alike. Each dewormer has an active ingredient (chemical) to control parasites in your horse. These chemicals fall into one of three different “classes,” and each controls different parasite species. When...
Download a free chart about wound care products for horses with possible products to use, if they are antibacterial, and if they promote drying and stop proud flesh.Click the image to the left to download a free PDF of...
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