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Horse Ownership

Horse ownership is the ultimate dream of any horse lover. Owning a horse involves a lot of responsibilities, but it also allows us to ride when we want, play with our horses whenever we want, and just enjoy the bond that comes with belonging to one particular horse, or several, depending on how many you own. With horse ownership comes learning about topics like how to buy and sell a horse, stable management, farm and pasture management, footing, emergency planning, trailering, and more. Horse Illustrated and Young Rider cover everything from the simplest act of how to clean a stall on up to how to design your own farm for horses.

With the change of seasons, USRider – the national provider of roadside emergency assistance for equestrians – reminds those who travel with horses to be careful when traveling and invest time doing routine preventive trailer maintenance to enhance their...
From the College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M; UniversityIt may be just one horsepower, but before riding off into the sunset on a newly purchased pony, it is important to investigate the quality and health of...
The time to retire a senior horse can become a combination of finances and the horse’s welfare. There are monetary obligations involved in keeping a senior horse with osteoarthritis going. Most seniors will likely require injections of at least...
Are you horse shopping? Then take a moment to consider the benefits of an older horse. Providing it’s trained, serviceably sound and of the right temperament, an older horse allows you to enjoy your time in the saddle without...
Older horses still have a lot to offer a rider, but often they’re discounted as being past their prime. It’s understandable for someone to be wary of a horse whose retirement to greener pastures may not be too far...
Your horse presses his top teeth against a solid object, arches his neck, and swallows air in a rocking motion. A grunting or gulping noise emerges. This is cribbing. Its true cause is unknown but genetics along with stressful circumstances appear to be...
When selecting a blanket for your horse, you may encounter some unfamiliar textile terms. Liz Russell, corporate communications specialist for Dover Saddlery, offers the following glossary of blanket fabric terminology.Defining Deniers When you’re selecting outerwear for your horse, one of...
Liz Russell, corporate communications specialist with Dover Saddlery, offers the following blanket fit checkpoints:Start by fastening the chest closure. The fabric at the chest should be able to overlap, with the buckle or clip adjustment somewhere near the...
Many types of horse clothing are available. Some blankets are designed for use while the horse is turned out, while others have specific uses in the stable or while the horse is under supervision. Liz Russell, corporate communications specialist for Dover Saddlery,...
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