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Home Stable Management Horse Stalls and Bedding

Horse Stalls and Bedding

Horse stalls provide important shelter for a horse, and the right bedding makes that shelter comfortable. They are great for sheltering your horse when cold weather or rain, sleet, and snow hit. And also when the weather becomes too hot, they can get your horse out of an unrelenting sun. Your horse's shelter should be warm during the winter and cool during the summer and always comfortable, with enough air flow and space. Horse caretakers will need to learn how to clean a stall, choose the right bedding, decide on whether mats are to be used, and more. Horse Illustrated's article archive helps owners make the right choices for their horse's shelter.

Taking time out to clean your horse’s stall can be a bummer when all you want to do is ride. However, a clean stall is an important part of your horse’s comfort and health, so this daily chore isn’t...
When it still feels like fall to you, your horses know better! And they start putting on their winter coats in response to the diminishing hours of daylight, whether there is a chill in the air, and this winter...
By Nikki Alvin-Smith, Horizon StructuresFall is officially here, and with it comes fantastic riding weather. As a horse farm owner it is also time to get your Fall cleanup underway and prepare for the winter season. If you live...
 The most important features of stall bedding are absorbency, comfort, non-toxicity, availability and affordability. Here are a few to consider: Straw Pro: Offers cushioningCons: Can be dusty or moldy; can be palatable, especially oat straw; not absorbent of moisture or odors Pelleted...
 Horses are…challenging on their stalls, to say the least. Between the standard chewing, banging, leaning, and pushing, it doesn’t take more than a few years for your horse’s stall to become a little worn out. And while you may...
When your horse has to spend time in a stall, make sure he's comfortable with the right type of bedding.  There are very few things as satisfying to a horse owner as knowing your four-legged friend is comfy and cozy...
When put on a restricted diet, overweight ponies have been shown to snack on stall bedding according to research from the Liverpool University Veterinary School in Great Britain.Wood shavings are often considered a safe alternative to straw for horses...
The biggest dilemma you’ll face is choosing among the vast array of options and combinations available; again, safety and ventilation should be the most important factors.A general rule of thumb for how big your stalls should be is no...
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