Have you seen those commercials for the cars that parallel park themselves? It's pretty impressive, and just one step toward…
As you may have heard, the Wall Street Journal saw fit to cover our little equestrian world this week. Did…
At about the time my right hamstring seared with a pain that knifed into the deepest nerve bundles, I began…
Impress all of your barn friends during your weekend rides by being on top of the latest horse-world news. Here's…
We're a high-class outfit here at HorseChannel.com, which is why we only bring you the best in entertaining, informative equestrian…
My husband tells me I can turn any conversation to the subject of horses. Last year, as I was working…
Seriously. Why are you not outside, enjoying a spring day in the forest or fields with your favorite horse right…
Going to a horse show is a great way to add some excitement to your equestrian life. Competing gives…
It’s always a thrill when a magazine with an article I wrote in it shoots through the mail slot. Conducting…
I like to think that I’m not a worrier when it comes to my horse. He lives a pretty simple…