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Horse History

Many of humankind’s triumphs across time involve horses. Learn more about the history of horses with Horse Illustrated and Young Rider magazines. Our articles include more about how breeds developed and became the breed that we see today at various breed shows, the history of horse with man, and more. After all, the horse has come a long way since the days when he was a small mammal the size of a dog to the large single-toed people-carrying being he is today. And with 6,000 year of domestication, there’s a lot of historical events and relevance to explore with Horse Illustrated amazing writers.

The Role Horses Played in 12 Green Berets’ Historic MissionThe Role Horses Played in 12 Green Berets’ Historic Mission

The Role Horses Played in 12 Green Berets’ Historic Mission

On the night of October 19, 2001, a MH-47G Chinook made the treacherous flight from Uzbekistan over the Hindu Kush…

2 years ago
Breed Portrait: Akhal-TekeBreed Portrait: Akhal-Teke

Breed Portrait: Akhal-Teke

Imagine a horse that can live with little forage in a dune-swept desert where cobras hide in the scrub brush…

2 years ago
Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of Secretariat’s Triple CrownCommemorating the 50th Anniversary of Secretariat’s Triple Crown

Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of Secretariat’s Triple Crown

“He is moving like a tremendous machine!” This moment of Chic Anderson’s call of the 1973 Belmont Stakes is forever…

2 years ago
Efforts to Save Endangered Equine BreedsEfforts to Save Endangered Equine Breeds

Efforts to Save Endangered Equine Breeds

Without equines, we would not have the America we know today. This is not at all exaggeration. Without the horses,…

2 years ago
A Brief History of the Arabian HorseA Brief History of the Arabian Horse

A Brief History of the Arabian Horse

The Arabian horse embodies the history of nations and the growth of cultures, and has had an impact on nearly…

2 years ago
The Rocky Mountain HorseThe Rocky Mountain Horse

The Rocky Mountain Horse

Smooth gaits, a sweet temperament and a uniquely American history: All these characteristics belong to a special equine breed known…

3 years ago
Stock Horse Breed SpecializationStock Horse Breed Specialization

Stock Horse Breed Specialization

Although some breeds have always been known as specialists, several decades ago, it was easy enough to find one horse…

3 years ago
Meet the Incredible Lipizzan HorseMeet the Incredible Lipizzan Horse

Meet the Incredible Lipizzan Horse

During Medieval times, a horse’s main job was to carry men into battle during wartime and to pull carriages during…

3 years ago
Brooke USA: Welfare for Working HorsesBrooke USA: Welfare for Working Horses

Brooke USA: Welfare for Working Horses

A Pakistani man pours jet-black lumps of coal into oversized sacks strapped to the back of his little white donkey…

3 years ago
Morgan Horse Ambassadors at UVMMorgan Horse Ambassadors at UVM

Morgan Horse Ambassadors at UVM

The small town of Weybridge, Vt., is home to a scenic gem for horse lovers and history buffs alike. Known…

3 years ago