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Hunter Jumper

Improve Your Rollback TurnsImprove Your Rollback Turns

Improve Your Rollback Turns

Rollback turns are difficult because they involve so many skills. Riders need to look ahead and plan a turn after…

18 years ago
Don???t be a SlouchDon???t be a Slouch

Don???t be a Slouch

Huntseat equitation riders are often admonished by their coaches to sit up straight and maintain good posture. A graceful, erect…

18 years ago
Scorecard SecretsScorecard Secrets

Scorecard Secrets

"The judge just doesn’t like my horse.” Unfortunately that’s a common rationalization when a rider is perplexed about her horse’s…

18 years ago
Gallery: Quarter MarksGallery: Quarter Marks

Gallery: Quarter Marks

Decorative markings brushed into the horse’s coat--quarter marks--enhance the conformation of a well-muscled hip and croup, and draw attention to…

18 years ago
How to Braid a Horse’s Mane for Hunter CompetitionHow to Braid a Horse’s Mane for Hunter Competition

How to Braid a Horse’s Mane for Hunter Competition

Download a printable version of this page If you grew up riding hunters 20 years ago, chances are you mastered…

18 years ago
How to Braid a Horse’s Tail for Hunter CompetitionHow to Braid a Horse’s Tail for Hunter Competition

How to Braid a Horse’s Tail for Hunter Competition

Click here to download a pdf of this page. A neatly braided tail accentuates a hunter’s hindquarters. It adds to…

18 years ago

Ride to the Jump: Exercise Your Way to an Effective Approach

Ever wonder why sometimes you and your horse can’t quite put in a great round over jumps? Maybe the problem…

18 years ago
After-the-Fence FixAfter-the-Fence Fix

After-the-Fence Fix

Q.  My 5-year-old gelding holds a quiet, steady rhythm to his jumps, but he tends to land on his forehand…

18 years ago
How Do I Relax Over Jumps?How Do I Relax Over Jumps?

How Do I Relax Over Jumps?

Q.  I currently ride my 10-year-old gelding in jumper classes. He is very smart and a beautiful jumper, but he…

18 years ago

Showing Hunters and Jumpers

There is more to the sport of jumping than just getting from one side of the obstacle to the other.…

18 years ago