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Horse Reining

Reining is the most popular western discipline and has hit the international scene in modern years. It is now governed by the International Equestrian Federation internationally and by the National Reining Horse Association in the United States. Reining involves riding a horse around a specific pattern using movements such as circles, spins, rollbacks, and sliding stops, all done at high speed. In addition to being a timed event, the horse is judged on the quality of the movements. Horse Illustrated's articles cover all about the sport, how to improve your skills, stories from those who participate, how to train your horse to do some of the movements, and much more.

Fort Worth, Texas — Teton Ridge, the premier western sports, entertainment and lifestyle brand, announced top-ranked professionals in the western equine sports of cutting, reining, and reined cow horse are set to ride in the highly anticipated third edition...
The spin is the maneuver specific to reining. The stylized movement shows your horse’s willingness to move on cue with speed and agility. It’s also the move most associated with riders’ concerns. Will I stop on time? Will I...
To compete in reining or working cow horse competitions, your horse will need to turn quickly in response to your cues. In reining, the move is a “turnaround,” or spin—the horse moves forward around a pivot foot and continues...
The type of saddle you first sat in does not need to be your last. Changing riding disciplines can help you renew your interests and find new joy with the horses you love.“Everyone goes through a process,” says dressage...
When competing with horses, there are a lot of things you can’t control. You can’t control the schedule. You can’t control who the judge is. You can’t control the arena conditions. You can’t control the weather. You can’t control...
To reach the point in the reining arena where you’ll slide to a stop, you must first build up speed and guide your horse in the rundown. But what happens when your horse thinks that heading straight across the...
The horse spins to the right, then left, at a reining show. With his full body engaged and his hindquarters carrying his weight, it appears that the spin is a fast turn on the haunches. However, to master this...
You’ve been practicing your maneuvers and getting your horse ready to show off his moves in western classes. But now you need the best western show outfit. You want your clothes to be appropriate for each class without distracting...
The sliding stop is reining’s signature maneuver. The horse runs at top speed down the length of the arena, and then on a loose rein, lowers his hindquarters to the dirt as his front feet pedal for another 10 to 20 feet until...
 So much happens in the middle of the reining arena: The center spot often marks where to change leads or spin. But the center of the arena is also the place to show off your horse’s downward transition when...
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