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Home Horse Riding Disciplines Horse Speed Events

Horse Speed Events

Learn more about the following speed events, especially barrel racing; how to train for them and improve your skills; and read news and stories from competitors who compete in speed events with Horse Illustrated. 

  • Barrel racing involves a horse speeding around barrels in a cloverleaf pattern. The fastest competitor who leaves all the barrels up is the winner.
  • Gymkhanas feature events with pattern races and timed games and is often featured at Pony Club events or through 4-H. It is sometimes called an O-Mok-See. In addition to racing barrels, events can include pole bending, keyhole race, keg race, ride and run, egg stomp, $1 bill race (aka, ride a buck), and sack race are often scheduled.
  • Pole bending involves a rider weaving in and out of poles set in a straight line.
  • Flag racing involves running a pattern created by markers placed in specific locations.

Does your barrel racing horse get overly excited when he sees the barrels? If he has the desire to run and turn, leaving you as a passenger instead of the driver, it’s time to refresh your cues. This means...
Barrel racing isn’t only about going fast. To round the three barrels in a barrel racing pattern with precision as well as a fast time, classical horsemanship skills apply.If you’ve ever wanted to...
The shortest distance between two points may be a straight line, but it’s not always the fastest—especially in barrel racing. If you want to shave seconds off your time and leave the barrels standing when you cross the timer,...
In the fifth episode of The Horse Illustrated Episode of Horses in the Morning, sponsored by Title Sponsor Straight Arrow Products, hosts Glenn the Geek and Sarah Evers Conrad talk to breakaway roping superstar Jackie Hobbs-Crawford about her illustrious...
Along the short end of the arena sits an enclosed play area filled with toys, a small trampoline, Tonka tractors and trucks. For any parent who rides horses, it’s a dream space to let kids play while still being...
My name is Lenna Peterson, and I compete in barrel racing. I am from Watkins, Minn., and I am 9 years old. I’ve been riding since I was 2 years old. My mom Teresa and I learned barrel racing...
Enjoy this short story from Young Rider magazine involving barrel racing in which Emma’s perfect new horse brings out her riding flaws.Emma couldn’t believe she finally had a barrel horse of her very own. A big, beautiful bay Quarter Horse...
Reins are the key to communicating with your horse from the saddle. Used to cue and control direction and speed, the right set of reins can make the difference between a good ride and a disaster. American Quarter Horse...
You’ve been running barrels for a while now: You know the pattern. Your turns are solid. Your seat is stable. But you just aren’t going fast enough! If that sounds familiar, then this guide is for you. We’ll walk...
Growing up, Amberley Snyder, star of a rodeo movie on Netflix, competed in barrel racing, pole bending, goat tying and breakaway roping. She won the World All-Around Cowgirl title at the National Little Britches Rodeo Association and qualified for...
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