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Home Horse Riding and Training Groundwork Exercises

Groundwork Exercises

Groundwork involves working with the horse from the ground using a halter and lead rope, a longe line, a cavesson and neck rope, long reins, etc. There are many lessons that are helpful to teach from the ground. Working on ground lessons with your horse can improve communication, teach a horse a new skill, work on problem areas, allow you to assert your leadership skills with the horse, work on a complicated skill before trying it mounted, and gives your horse physical and mental challenges. It's a great way to mix up your horse's training and keep things fresh. Groundwork is also helpful if you can't ride that day due to weather or footing issues or if your horse is healing from an injury and can't be ridden. It's also a great way to first teach a horse about obstacles and how not to be fearful of certain objects, like a tarp, water, a bicycle, etc.

Injury. Behavior. Age. Fear. Each of these factors can be a reason why equestrians put away their saddle for a long or short period. But even if saddle time is on pause, strengthening a partnership doesn’t have to be....
Groundwork can be an essential part of horse training and is quite beneficial to our equines for a variety of reasons, one of which is to help bring the horse’s body and mind into focus. But have you ever...
You don’t have to ride your horse to give him a good workout. Groundwork is an effective alternative that’s loaded with a wide range of benefits: You can boost your horse’s strength, endurance, balance, posture, and more. The following...
A riderless sport horse negotiates a series of ground poles and small jumps, finding his wings along the way. This is free jumping, where the obstacles are aligned in a row down a chute positioned on the long side...
If you’ve owned or been around horses long enough, you’ll no doubt have witnessed the gamut of trailer-loading abilities. From the highly desired self-loader to the horse who simply refuses to get on to everything in between, loading onto...
Read the full article about equine behavior in Horse Illustrated’s July 2024 issue! Below is some great content we couldn’t fit in the print article, featuring insight from animal behaviorist and equine welfare expert Emily Weiss, Ph.D., on the...
Read the full article about showing in hand in Horse Illustrated’s June 2024 issue! Here is some great content we couldn’t fit in the print article. Tips to Polish Performance Quinnten Alston is a professional rider and handler who runs his...
Luke Gingerich gives some pointers for anyone interested in starting out in the appealing discipline of liberty work, which both horses and handlers can enjoy.A lone horseman stands in the spotlight. He gives a signal and his equine partner,...
It’s a scene riders dread: A tense, strong horse ignores your cues, moves straight ahead then begins bucking and kicking out. Your horse’s body is tight and you are out of control. How can this scene be avoided for...
Groundwork exercises that check communication between horse and human are a crucial part of my evaluation of a new horse or new horse and rider pairing. If broken down to its most simple form, riding is comprised of asking...
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