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Horse Riding and Training

Horse Illustrated's riding and training articles cover a variety of disciplines, training techniques, how to get started with horses, and much more. This category includes articles about English and Western riding, trail and recreational riding, horse shows and competitions, all of the various disciplines, groundwork, natural horsemanship, camps, lessons, and youth and collegiate topics. Examples of articles include how to get started in different disciplines, juggling horses and life, how to be a better rider, tips for western and English riders, improving your jumping, stories from horse people about their equestrian adventures, dealing with issues during outings on your horse, and much more.

Horse and rider jumping over a crossrail

See Spot, Jump

"Don’t blame your horse. You rode him to an impossible spot.” If you do much jumping, you’ve probably heard your trainer—or highly observant equestrian friend—utter that admonishment after a refusal. Don’t be discouraged. Possessing a natural “eye for a...
Posting the trot is a skill like riding a bike: Once you learn to do it well, you won’t forget how, no matter how long it’s been since you last sat on a horse. If you learn to “rise...
Dressage has been around for centuries, and so has the practice of working cattle from horseback. Yet it’s only in the last few years that a competitive sport called working equitation that combines the two has taken off in...
Last month, trainer Annie MacDermaid shared tips on how to select an American Mustang to bring home to your herd. This month, she shares the steps she takes to training a mustang horse from wild to mild.Since 2014, MacDermaid...
Q: I have an OTTB (off the track Thoroughbred). When he gets anxious, he grinds his teeth and tilts his head to one side. It’s extremely annoying when I’m trying to ride. Any suggestions?A: Young Thoroughbreds are taught to...
If you’re a western rider, you probably sit when your horse trots (unless your horse is long-trotting, when you may stand in your stirrups for comfort). But while posting at the trot is unacceptable in the show pen in...
Working at the walk, practiced and touted by old classical dressage masters, is always better than letting a horse stand around when for whatever reason he is not able to perform a regular training schedule. These equine exercises designed...
The goals of the spin in reining are speed, precision, and keeping the hind foot in place. Working on your horse's lateral flexion will prepare him for a good spin. Once the horse is supple, working on collection...
If you have a finished horse that doesn’t need a lot of work on the barrel pattern, the last thing you want to do is drill the cloverleaf over and over while you work to perfect your seat and...
Jumping is fun, whether you pop over a few fences at home or compete your pony at shows. But how can you make sure jumping is as much fun for your horse as it is for you? Here are...
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