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Trail and Recreational Riding

Lope-over dos and don’ts

Do Practice developing an even, cadenced lope away from the poles. Make sure your cues are clear and your horse…

16 years ago

Trail Class Challenge: Better Lope-Overs

Who would have thought negotiating an obstacle course could draw so much attention or be so much fun? Across the…

16 years ago

30 Tips for Better Trail Riding

1. Desensitize your horse to scary situations you may encounter on the trail in a safe environment, such as an…

16 years ago

Finding your Perfect Trail Horse

  When people search for a new horse, the first thing they often do is make a list of attributes…

16 years ago

Six Summer Trail Riding Tips

  Choosing the right trails is important during the hot summer months. Here are several rules you should follow: Never…

17 years ago

Trail Problem Solver: Spooking

Every horse will spook at something sometime. There are a variety of methods for dealing with this problem, so experiment…

17 years ago

Trail Problem Solver: Bolting

Most horses bolt, or take off running, when they’re scared or when they want to get back to the barn…

17 years ago

Trail Problem Solver: Barn Sour Behavior

Barn-sour behavior is strongly influenced by horses’ natural instincts, including their instinct to be with the herd and their need…

17 years ago

Trail Problem Solver: Jigging

“When a horse feels anxious about something (catching up to another horse, or getting back to the barn, for example),…

17 years ago

First Aid Kit for the Trail

When it comes to first aid preparedness, humans aren’t the only ones to consider. From scrapes to sprains, horses need…

17 years ago