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Showing A-Circuit Hunters

If you find yourself longing to compete at national shows, here are four tips that the A-circuit riders and trainers we spoke to agreed upon as prerequisites for venturing into the major leagues:

  1. Have a suitable horse. The main reason A-circuit caliber horses are so expensive is that they are the cream of the crop. They generally have impeccable conformation and flawless movement, and possess a show-ring presence that says, “Look at me.” Most importantly, they have to be the right type of horse for the division in which you are competing. If you are wondering if your horse measures up, take it to a reputable trainer who competes at A-level shows, and ask for an honest evaluation.
  2. Get instruction from a knowledgeable trainer you feel you can trust. Make certain the trainer you choose travels to the away shows and is willing to take on another student of your level. Because a trainer’s livelihood depends primarily on the success of his/her students, by nature most trainers are somewhat controlling, so be ready to allow your trainer to make major decisions about you or your horse. Hunt-seat trainer Susan Smith even goes so far as to accompany her novice students when they shop for show attire. “It’s a very trendy sport, and if you’re not in style, you stand out,” she explains.
  3. Realize ahead of time what the costs will be. Before you commit yourself to going to an away show, get a list of charges in writing from your trainer. That way there won’t be any grim surprises when the bill arrives. Although you have paid for your horse’s board and training at home, there will undoubtedly be additional charges for at-show instruction (called a ring fee, or rail fee) and for extra feed and stall bedding. Add to that the day-care fees for having the services of a groom. Then there are the braiding fees if you show hunt-seat. And be forewarned: the braids at A-circuit shows are usually redone each day. Finally, it’s customary to divide the trainer’s traveling costs among the clients. Show fees can be staggering, but there are ways to cut costs if necessary, providing you have an understanding trainer who allows certain riders to attend A-shows on a shoestring. With your own truck and trailer you can haul your own horse, and possibly earn extra money hauling someone else’s. If you are meticulous about grooming your horse properly, you can save grooming and braiding fees by doing the job yourself.
  4. Have realistic expectations. It can be heartbreaking to attend major shows and return ribbonless time after time. It may help to remember that this is competition at its best, and there is no harm in admitting that you (or your horse or pocketbook) are not quite up to it. Some riders shrug off the major shows because they already have too many demands, such as family, school or jobs, on their time. If, for any of these reasons, you’re not ready to make the commitment to A-level shows, there are always the B-level shows, which are a step down in toughness and last only one or two days. Check local horse show associations, which sanction smaller shows, where members can still compete for high-point trophies and year-end awards.

No thanks, you say? Read more about finding the right circuit for you and your horse:
Show Where You’ll Shine
Rating the Competition

Cindy Hale

Cindy Hale’s life with horses has been filled with variety. As a child she rode western and learned to barrel race. Then she worked as a groom for a show barn, and was taught to harness and drive Welsh ponies. But once she’d taken her first lessons aboard American Saddlebreds she was hooked on English riding. Hunters and hunt seat equitation came next, and she spent decades competing in those divisions on the West Coast. Always seeking to improve her horsemanship, she rode in clinics conducted by world-class riders like George Morris, Kathy Kusner and Anne Kursinski. During that time, her family began raising Thoroughbred and warmblood sport horses, and Cindy experienced the thrills and challenges of training and showing the homebred greenies. Now retired from active competition, she’s a popular judge at local and county-rated open and hunter/jumper shows. She rides recreationally both English and western. Her Paint gelding, Wally, lives at home with her and her non-horsey husband, Ron.

View Comments

  • This was REALLY HELPFUL. Now I will know if a horse has the "stuff" to be a "A" hunter horse! One day I might find a "A" one for me..........!

  • can you send a spechal horse tomexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • I've never shown A-Circuit, but this article sure makes me want to! So far I've only done local showing. By the way, I don't live in New York.

  • My 15yo daughter showed at C shows for 7 years before moving up to the A and AA shows. We knew what we were getting into, and had the guidance from friends who had shown and won top ribbons nationally. It is a huge commitment, but well worth it. Choosing the trainer is one of the most important steps to success. Winning Grand Champion at a major AA show was a dream come true. But having the trainers proud of her rides is equally satisfying. Remember, you don't always pin what you might deserve- it is a subjective sport! Good realistic article.

  • so that was very informative bbut how would you train a new born pony that was just born could you do it or would you have to take it to a barn

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