I love hill work!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My horse had a bad stifle and now she is stronger than ever. She was bucking because cantering on the right lead was hurting her. Now she has a wonderful smooth canter and now is sound and healthy.
Helpful and interesting. My TWH prefers to get up the hill asap...guess I should slow him down to start with.
I live next to an overgrown gravel pit. There are 6 or more hills with different lengths and steepness. I start on the small hills first then work my way up to the steep ones. I even have a deep sandy hill. I teach them to rock back on their hind quarters when going down. I need to feel the hind quarters rocking sideways, then I know they are going down safely and correctly. I can give my horses an incredible work out in 45 minutes. When I trail ride with my friends my horses are always in the best condition.
this article was very helpful. My horse loves to do hill work, but like Karol's TWH, he likes to gallop up hills, and he bolts a LOT. Maybe doing more slow hill work and riding on the side of hills will help discourage that!
Endurance ridng is something I alway wanted to try. I will have to give it a try, and start conditioning my horses for it. Good start is to start reading up on it.