Here are some basic philosophies to keep in mind when jumping:
Liked this article? Here are others on jumping your horse:
Stop Runouts and Refusals
Exercise Your Way to an Effective Approach
Showing Jumpers
Improve Your Hunt Seat Equitation
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View Comments
I don't like the "don't let the horse reassess the jump" tip. If a horse is afraid, he should be allowed to figure it out in his skeptical, panicaholic, and chlostrophobic brain!
how do you keep your balance when landing a jump?
last time i tried to land i nearly fell over the front of my my horse, and landed on the neck!
i take lessons but my trainer has never tought me how to keep balance.
dont look at the jummp
I really liked all the tips. Thank you they are very helful
Dont be nervous, becasue if you are then you horse will feel it and refuse the jump. So stay calm,sit up straitght,don't get ahead of your horse,don't look down,keep your hands up (but not too high) and just have fun!
i love this article
these tips were great! i cant wait to use them on my horse!
Thanks.My four year old green arabian is kind of crazy with the jumping.He canters up, stops, then vaults himself over it.This article helped me stay in motion with him.
This was really helpful for a person who is new at jumping. Thanks!
what if you whant to be a jumper but you dont now what to do?only alittle bit