Session 100 – Horse Health Basics 101


    •  Horse Health 101: Basics

    Horse Health 101: Basics Reading AssignmentReading Assignment: Learn about the equine health essentials before bringing home a horse.
    Horse Health 101: Basics VideoVideo: Watch the video about taking your horse’s vital signs.
    Horse Health 101: Basics ChartChart: Read the chart on Horse Health Preventive Care Checklist
    Horse Health 101: Basics QuizQuiz: Take these 10 questions to test your knowledge on equine health essentials.


    Take this quiz and earn extra credit point towards you Club Horse account! Take the quiz now >>

    Display your horse in a picture frame on your desktop with this fun widget. Also get your local weather, fly risk and loads of horse trivia to make you smarter at the next horse show. Brought to you by Solitude IGR™, feed-through fly control from Pfizer. Download the widget >>

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    Instructor: Dr. Laura Riley is a graduate of the Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine at Virginia Tech.  She practiced equine and camelid medicine in the hunt country of Maryland before moving to her riverside cabin in beautiful West Virginia to write and teach.

     Back to class schedule>>


    1. The quizzes are missing and so is the sport horse grooming class in the grooming horse college that course is missing and so are the quizzes in horse health college.

    2. Love everything! However, I’m experiencing trouble when it comes to downloading the widget – Yahoo! seems to not have the page available any longer….


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