• Equine Lameness Basics
EXTRA CREDIT! There’s your chance to earn extra credit points toward your Club Horse account.
Read about sodium hyaluronate and learn about how it provides protection for equine joints. Read now >>
Ready to take the quiz? Be sure you’ve read the article so you are prepared. Test your knowledge of sodium hyaluronate and all the benefits it has for equine athletes. Take quiz now >>
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Instructor: Nancy Loving, DVM is a performance horse veterinarian based in Colorado. She is the author of All Horse Systems Go.
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Horse owners who live in the United States, are 18 years of age and older,…
Welcome to Horse Illustrated’s weekly installment of the Right Horse Adoptable Horse of the Week,…
LENNOX, S.D. — Every great innovation begins with a moment of clarity, and for ZahnTech's…
When standing near a Belgian Draft Horse, it’s easy to feel small—intimated, even. But the…
Welcome to Horse Illustrated’s weekly installment of the Right Horse Adoptable Horse of the Week, offered in partnership with the…
When standing near a Belgian Draft Horse, it’s easy to feel small—intimated, even. But the Belgian Draft is the epitome…
Opinions about blanketing can be as varied as the weather itself, and horse owners are often confused when confronted with…
While many experts agree that fleas are an uncommon parasite for horses, ticks can be prevalent and potentially present a…
Horse owners who live in the United States, are 18 years of age and older, and currently own or manage…