1 – 4 The PhelpsSports.com Palm Beach Dressage Derby CDI-W/CDIY takes place, concluding with an autograph signing from the top dressage riders on the 4th. Loxahatchee, Fla.; www.pbderby.com
3 – 4 Clinton Anderson, Stacy Westfall and Chris Cox face off in a three hour colt-starting challenge during Road to the Horse. Murfreesboro, Tenn.; www.roadtothehorse.com.
3 – 4 United States Dressage Federation Jane Savoie Adult Clinic, themed “Believe You Can; Ride the Possibilities,” focuses on Savoie’s sports psychology and features a lecture each day. Benton, La.; www.usdf.org/Programs/AdultClinics/
8 – 11 Get the inside scoop on judging at the APHA Educational Judges Academy & Seminar. Fort Worth, Texas; www.apha.com
9 – 10 The Equine Hoof Care and Shoeing Short Course offers a combination of lecture and applied learning in care and management. Raleigh, N.C.; Extension Horse Husbandry, (919) 515-5784.
9 – 11 Chris Cox and Stacy Westfall are among the presenters at this year’s Rocky Mountain Horse Expo. Denver, Colo.; www.rockymountainhorseexpo.com
9 – 11 National Youth Horse Leaders Symposium, Denver, Colo.; https://www.ayhc.com
9 – 11 Enthusiasts from all disciplines come together for education and entertainment in The Nebraska Horse Expo. Lincoln, Neb.; www.nebraskahorsecouncil.org
9 – 11 The Red Hills Horse Trials, Tallahassee, Fla.; www.RHHT.org
10 – 11 Donna West Clinic for Horse Owners, Callahan, Fla.; www.dixieplantation.com/DonnaWest.html
11 Jockeys and horses compete for thousands of dollars in purse money in the Little Everglades Steeplechase. Dade City, Fla.; https://littleevergladessteeplechase.org/
14 – 18 Stadium jumpers unite for the Wellington Finale. Wellington, Fla.; www.stadiumjumping.com
17 – 18 Champagne Run Hunter Jumper Show, Lexington, Ky.; (859) 263-4638
17 – 19 Southern Pines Horse Trials, Raeford, N.C.; www.carolinahorsepark.com
18 – 20 Equine Event East returns with a wide variety of equine experts and companies. Chantilly, Va.; www.blueribbonshows.com
20 – 22 Mounted Police Training, Lexington, Ky.; (859) 259-4250
23 – 25 The Northwest Horse Fair and Expo promises a variety of equine clinicians and vendors. Albany, Ore.; www.equinepromotions.net
24 – 25 The Black Hills Horse Expo includes all breeds, disciplines, experience levels and adds a Horse Bowl to this year’s roster. Rapid City, S.D.; www.blackhillshorseexpo.com
24 – 25 The USDF Jane Savoie Adult Clinic changes venues (see March 3-4). Ashland, Neb.; www.usdf.org/Programs/AdultClinics/
30 – Apr. 1 The Hoosier Horse Fair and Expo includes hundreds of commercial vendors, sponsors, clinicians, special entertainment and of course, horses. Indianapolis, Ind.; www.indianahorsecouncil.org
30 – Apr. 1 Kentucky Mountain Saddle Horse Association Spring Jubilee, Lexington, Ky.; (502) 570-8884
30 – Apr. 1 Hundreds of horses, different breeds, barns, corrals, trailers, trucks, vendors and informative and educational lectures plus clinics can be found at the 2007 Equine Experience. Paso Robles, Calif.; www.equineexperience.net/
After growing up horsey, Nancy still held on to her identity as a “horse girl” even when she hadn’t ridden…
Welcome to Barn Banter, the official podcast of Horse Illustrated. In Barn Banter episode 29, hosts Susan Friedland and Horse Illustrated…
The nurse mare industry has been a source of controversy over the years, but practices are changing—meaning a better outlook…
Horse ownership comes with incredible rewards: the thrill of a pleasure ride, the camaraderie of competition, and the deep bond…
By tapping the power of neuroscience and the miracle of brain plasticity, spending just a few minutes a day practicing…
The U.S. horse slaughter industry is as hot-button an issue as there is. Find out where current legislation stands with…