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March Horse Events

1 – 4 The Palm Beach Dressage Derby CDI-W/CDIY takes place, concluding with an autograph signing from the top dressage riders on the 4th. Loxahatchee, Fla.; 

3 – 4  Clinton Anderson, Stacy Westfall and Chris Cox face off in a three hour colt-starting challenge during Road to the Horse. Murfreesboro, Tenn.;

3 – 4  United States Dressage Federation Jane Savoie Adult Clinic, themed “Believe You Can; Ride the Possibilities,” focuses on Savoie’s sports psychology and features a lecture each day. Benton, La.;

8 – 11  Get the inside scoop on judging at the APHA Educational Judges Academy & Seminar. Fort Worth, Texas;

9 – 10  The Equine Hoof Care and Shoeing Short Course offers a combination of lecture and applied learning in care and management. Raleigh, N.C.; Extension Horse Husbandry, (919) 515-5784.

9 – 11  Chris Cox and Stacy Westfall are among the presenters at this year’s Rocky Mountain Horse Expo. Denver, Colo.;

9 – 11  National Youth Horse Leaders Symposium, Denver, Colo.;

9 – 11  Enthusiasts from all disciplines come together for education and entertainment in The Nebraska Horse Expo. Lincoln, Neb.;

9 – 11  The Red Hills Horse Trials, Tallahassee, Fla.;

10 – 11  Donna West Clinic for Horse Owners, Callahan, Fla.;

11  Jockeys and horses compete for thousands of dollars in purse money in the Little Everglades Steeplechase. Dade City, Fla.;

14 – 18 Stadium jumpers unite for the Wellington Finale. Wellington, Fla.;

17 – 18  Champagne Run Hunter Jumper Show, Lexington, Ky.; (859) 263-4638

17 – 19  Southern Pines Horse Trials, Raeford, N.C.;

18 – 20  Equine Event East returns with a wide variety of equine experts and companies. Chantilly, Va.;

20 – 22  Mounted Police Training, Lexington, Ky.; (859) 259-4250

23 – 25  The Northwest Horse Fair and Expo promises a variety of equine clinicians and vendors. Albany, Ore.;

24 – 25  The Black Hills Horse Expo includes all breeds, disciplines, experience levels and adds a Horse Bowl to this year’s roster. Rapid City, S.D.;

24 – 25 The USDF Jane Savoie Adult Clinic changes venues (see March 3-4). Ashland, Neb.;

30 – Apr. 1  The Hoosier Horse Fair and Expo includes hundreds of commercial vendors, sponsors, clinicians, special entertainment and of course, horses. Indianapolis, Ind.;

30 – Apr. 1  Kentucky Mountain Saddle Horse Association Spring Jubilee, Lexington, Ky.; (502) 570-8884

30 – Apr. 1  Hundreds of horses, different breeds, barns, corrals, trailers, trucks, vendors and informative and educational lectures plus clinics can be found at the 2007 Equine Experience. Paso Robles, Calif.;

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