Love the circle out of the Oxford then vomit.. I can relate after having to show on an extremely hot day in full attire. The very next class jackets were allowed to be removed. IIt was too late for me. I ended up with severe heat stroke that took days to recover from
Wear a cooling vest. It makes all the difference! I run mine through a rinse cycle while I'm having breakfast, then fold it around a very large ice pack and pack it in a bin along with my daughter's. Then I add more ice on top. I'd keep it in the cooler, but there's no room because that's full with 2 half-gallons of ice water (frozen at an angle while 3/4 full, then filled the rest of the way with water), and several bottles of ice water, electrolytes, Patriot Power Greens, and coconut water. The various flavors help us to stay hydrated even if we don't feel like drinking water. I prefer wide-mouthed, refillable bottles with flip-tops or sippy spouts, and use a holster to carry one with me while I ride. Between the cooling vest, which I dunk in ice water every so often, and the cold drinks, I can handle hours in the heat with no problem and little discomfort.