Buy the Best Western Boot


Are you daunted by the vast selection of boots at your local western wear dealer? From blinged-out and colorful looks to simple but durable styles, selecting a boot that best fits your needs can be a monumental task.

Trainor Evans understands the challenge in selecting a boot that both fits your foot and endures daylong riding and barn activities. Evans owns Rios of Mercedes Boot Company in Mercedes, Texas. In addition, Evans opened Anderson Bean Boot Company in 1987, and added Olathe Boots to his holdings.

His discerning eye can easily note quality over flash when looking at racks of boots. Under the Anderson Bean brand, the company created a fashion-inspired women’s boot called Macie Bean.

“The cowboy boot is made for someone who is in the saddle and has their foot in the stirrup,” says Evans. “We make it for a purpose, and then we try to make it good looking to stand out. The feel and fit of our fashion line is similar to our work boots, but with differences that are geared toward the fashion-minded.”

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Western Boot
Western Boot

Shopping Checkpoints

No matter which type of boot you’re looking for, Evans says buyers should make sure a pair of boots mirror each other.

“When you pick up a pair of boots at the store, first look for all the points and lines on the front and back to be even,” he says. “Put the pair together and see if they match; if they don’t, you may have a quality issue.

“See if there is any synthetic material on the inside of the boot. One reason cowboy boots can be worn for hours in the summer is that leather wicks moisture away from your foot. If the inside is synthetic, it’s like wearing a rubber boot, and your foot will get hotter and hotter.”

Evans says not to expect an uncomfortable boot to break in and feel better down the road. Make sure it’s comfortable the first time it’s worn.

A fashion boot differs from a riding boot; according to Evans, it’s all about structure and design. With his expert tips, you can learn to recognize which pair of boots will provide the most bang for your buck.

This article originally appeared in the July 2016 issue of Horse Illustrated magazine. Click here to subscribe!


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