My horse is far beyond a pet. She's my best friend, my partner in crime, my therapy both physical & emotional. I'd be lost without her. I find it a real privilege to be able to have her in my life.
I'm definitely in the "horse as best friend" category! I think there are some other types of horse owners, too. These include people who use horses as a status symbol, as an occupational tool (working cowboy, carriage driver, logger, the Amish, and even horse trainers might fall in this category), or as therapy.
I am a combination of two. My horse is my best friend & family member, but she is also my workout partner. The exercise I get from taking care of her & riding her is what keeps me going both mentally & physically. When she is off, so am I.
Love the article. Anyone who doesn't experience their horse as their best friend is missing out on one of the greatest experiences in life.
My horses are far more than just my best friends. They, in fact, we seem to know what the other is thinking and feeling.
My horse is my "Best friend and family member", but at the same time he is an "animal" I love giving him treat and fondling over him, but for me there is a limit. He's still a horse and thinks differently from humans.
"Nice" article. Missed at least one other type. The horse is "my" piece of machinery such as a pulling vehicle or racing vehicle. This type of person has little emotional attachment to the horse. This type only care about getting work done and when the horse can't withstand the demands, is disguarded.